Week Note 25/02/02

‘The Path’ - my Artist’s Book exploring the dialogue between me and the nature I encounter on the walk to work.

I follow a number of people who write week notes - a summary of what’s going on for them. In an attempt to get some more regular writing going - I thought I’d give this a shot. In case you’re interested - the 02/02 signifies this note relates to the second week in February. I’m curious to see how I feel about the process - and how (in)frequently I am motivated to make this work. Here goes…

Say It Out Loud

A while back - I put myself through the wringer of weekly live music open mics for a period of around 6 months. I performed songs written by other people and I found it really tough. Last week I took part in my first poetry open mic. Reading my own words in front of a live audience of around 50 people was a first for me - and though a bit nervous - I found the experience freeing, and uplifting. Maybe doing my own thing rather than covering someone else’s helped make a difference? I don’t know, but I am motivated to do more of this work - watch this space :) If you’re interested - the poem follows after this photo.

Ahh, the excitement/fright/excitement of doing something for the first time! Photo courtesy of Tiffany Tondut

What Is Poetry?

What on earth is poetry? I haven’t got a clue

When you write, does rhyming matter? I thought I’d ask you

A written, spoken story. Stanzas, verses, lines, and bars

From the deadly serious. Through anger, loss, love, and farce


You see what I did there? I tried to force a rhyme

Some writers think that’s evil.

Artistic licence? Or a poet’s crime


And here I am. Four verses in. This thing has got no structure

But if I just keep on speaking speaking speaking speaking

We shall arrive at the juncture


Of where this thing just

Slows for a moment and then

Becomes a haiku.


And I’m sure that someone told me. When you get towards the end

Tell ‘em what you told ‘em. Bring them round again


So, what on earth is poetry? I haven’t got a clue

When you write, does rhyming matter? I don’t know, how ‘bout you?

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

I recently caught up with a friend who asked me ‘Are you submitting work to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition this year?’ I said I wasn’t sure and my friend replied, ‘It’s always so exciting to see you putting your work forward’. Buoyed by this encouragement - I chose to submit ‘The Path’, an Artist’s Book about journeying to (my place of) work. I have a 100% record of not getting picked for this well known show - and I have submitted the best I have to offer. Regardless of what comes next - I’m grateful to my friend for her supportive nudge.


Week Note 25/03/02


On The Wing